Author: lifecare-admin

Let Go and Let the Energy Flow

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the Hay House Event “I Can Do it!” at the National Harbor.  I walked away with many gems from the weekend – here are some thoughts about how letting go, releasing and simplifying can pave the way for greater contentment in life.

We live in such a fast paced, overstimulating world full of a lot of stuff.

We have a lot of stress!  When we stay grounded and focus on being awake and engaged in life, we can really enjoy what we are experiencing; especially if we set ourselves up to experience what brings us joy.   One of the speakers, who is a life coach and author suggested we should spend the next year of our life removing anything that we don’t absolutely love, or doesn’t serve us, in order to watch an amazing life unfold.

I couldn’t agree more.
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Getting in the “Sweet Zone” With Vitamin D

vitamin dWhy is it important to increase your Vitamin D level?  Well there are many reasons!  There is a “sweet zone” of the Vitamin D level in your blood.  If you can get your Vitamin D level within this “sweet zone” there is a statistical decrease in cancer, diabetes, fractures, neurological disorders, and heart attack.  Besides bone health and prevention of certain diseases, Vitamin D plays a large role in fighting viral infections.  Your best flu shot just may be your daily dose of Vitamin D!

The first and most important thing is to find out what your baseline Vitamin D level is.  This is a simple blood test.  Many patients will say, “Well my medical doctor just took my blood and didn’t say anything, so I guess my Vitamin D level is fine.”  Don’t assume this to be true.  The doctor has to specifically order a Vitamin D test when doing blood work – it isn’t automatically measured with the basic tests.
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