Life Lessons from a Feathered Friend
I am really grateful for so many things. Today I am grateful for the lessons – the messages that whisper to us in nature all around us. I was feeling guilty because as usual, I was overcommitted. I had an event this morning near the 301 bridge; rushed back to the office for patients; then was committed to travel to Baltimore for a very important fundraiser organized by a very special friend.
I finished with patients late and just couldn’t swing the fundraiser. After my initial guilt, I practiced acceptance and realized I have sane people in my life who get it and will forgive my absence. I surrendered to the fact that I can donate money to support the cause without physically being there.
I walked out of my office and a beautiful Blue Jay chirped and fluttered around me. Blue Jays and Steller’s Jays move so quickly – for some reason, I always seem to find myself in their company. They are hard to photograph but I have always managed to get a few pictures when they keep me company. I just caught a photo of one at the Memphis Botanical Garden – yet another time when I was in hurry (like the birds!) but had decided to take a detour before continuing to my nephew’s soccer tournament.
The Steller’s Jays are everywhere in Big Sur, my favorite place on earth. And even though they move quickly, I have always been able to capture them in a photograph. I will never forget my first trip to Esalen, when I suddenly changed my plans during a very stressful time (another story for another time). I pulled over on Highway One to look at a view of the ocean, and a Steller’s Jay landed right beside me on a huge boulder at the edge of the cliff. He hung out with me while I pondered what the heck I was doing driving down highway one in a rental instead of doing what I had flown to California to do. I really felt the Steller’s Jay reminding me to follow my own truth and do what felt right.
Now back to leaving the office on this particular hurried day. The Blue Jay flew right in front of me when I walked out the door and then fluttered around my parking lot by the edge of the woods. I stood there for a while, watching as it moved from branch to branch to the ground under the tree, and finally flying into the air to reveal its beautiful colors. It was as if it was saying to me, “Take a deep breath, forgive yourself and just be in the moment.”
Who knew that a bird could have such sage advice – especially one that was known for always being in a hurry??? I wonder if maybe that’s EXACTLY why this wisdom came to me from the Blue Jay. Perhaps it is in our most hurried, stressful moments that we most often need to give ourselves a break, take a deep breath and just be in the moment. Remember the Jay – and cut yourself a little slack this week, ok?
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