Category: Blog

winter safety

7 Smart Ways to Stay Safe this Winter

Did you make it through “Snowzilla” without any mishaps? We sure hope so! Welcome to winter. It sure looks like the snow and ice are here to stay. So let’s take a moment to look at smart ways to prevent injury this winter. Here are seven winter safety tips to avoid slipping on icy pavement and what to do if you fall:
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Gain Peace, Happiness, and Better Health from Meditation

You wouldn’t believe how often I hear that patients actually enjoy waiting in our office! Do you know why? It’s because it gives them a chance to just sit down and relax. Whether in our waiting area or in a quiet room getting electric stimulation, patients relish simply listening to the relaxing music and staying in one place for a few minutes.

In this crazy busy world where we are rushing through our day on fast forward, it’s sometimes hard to have the discipline or the time to find a few moments of quiet. However, sitting in silence and breathing is very beneficial to your health.

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